Il 24 novembre 2017 al Novotel Century Hong Kong, si è svolto il seminario “Italian Ports – The Bridge Between Asia and Europe”, che ha segnato la conclusione di un intenso programma di visite e incontri. La Missione Propeller, organizzata in collaborazione con Sviluppo Cina, Invest Hong Kong e l’Associazione Italia-Hong Kong, ha visto la partecipazione di un gruppo di 30 delegati, composto dai presidenti dei Porti di Genova, Napoli e Taranto ma anche dai presidenti dell’Associazioni Spedizionieri di Genova (Spediporto) e SRM del gruppo Intesa San Paolo (centro studi specializzato in materie marittime, portuali e logistiche).
Durante il seminario è intervenuto il Console Generale Antonello De Riu, il quale ha sottolineato le opportunità per l’Italia legate alla Via della Seta e gli sforzi del Governo Italiano anche attraverso la nuova riforma.
Di seguito il discorso del Console Generale:
“It is my great pleasure to open today’s seminar which marks the conclusion of the intense program of visits and meetings of the Italian Propeller Clubs mission in Hong Kong and Shenzhen together with the participation of the Italian Port Authorities and several national companies to the Logistics Maritime Conference.
I do hope that the consultations held with the numerous relevant local stakeholders active in the logistics & transport sectors helped shed more light on the promising opportunities stemming from the New Maritime Silk Road in particular Italy strategically located at the intersection of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the 21st Century Maritime Economic Belt can benefit greatly from the improved infrastructure connectivity and enhanced economic and trade cooperation in the Eurasia continent that will be developed through the Belt&Road project.
In line with this perspective the Italian Government joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank soon after its creation opening a close dialogue with the Chinese authorities to reaffirm its strategic role in the OBOR implementation.
As we will understand from the presentations we are about to hear the Italian port system is strategically placed at the core position of a network extending from the East China Sea to the Atlantic Ocean and stands just between Northern Africa and Continental Europe.
The recent Ports’ reform implemented by the Italian Government will enhance the governance of our logistics system through a better coordination at the central level the simplification of procedures for passenger and cargo transit their integration in the framework of the European rail corridors and its global competiveness / being Italy crossed by 4 out 10 EU rail corridors.
Hong Kong on the other hand is making a concerted effort to position itself as a legal arbitration and deal-making hub in the context of OBOR. Knowledgeable experienced and well-connected Hong Kong has a unique combination of advantages to partner with investors intermediaries and project owners worldwide to take advantage of Belt and Road opportunities.
I truly hope that the mission of the Propeller Clubs will help open a new and promising communication channel between Italy and Hong Kong with a view to promoting long-lasting and mutually beneficial collaborations.
The Consulate General of Italy remains at the forefront in facilitating this cooperation always ready to offer its support for the successful implementation of any partnership aimed at promoting further market integration and forging new ties among our business communities.
Thank you for your attention“